Download GIS data as Shapefile (SHP), FGDB, DWG, MapInfo, CSV, Google Earth (KML). People living in residential care facilities such as rest homes are eligible for the scheme. Lake Okoroire, Tarariki Reserve in the Hauraki district, Waihou River native forest fragment. Waikato District Council Kia ora, we are expecting confirmation, from Police, about checkpoints today. Locally significant. The area is in the Hukanui Waerenga and Whangamarino wards of Waikato District Council. These 3.1. The Plan, integrating the Franklin and Waikato sections, will introduce a consistent approach to development and growth for the first time since the district’s boundary changed in 2010. Meanwhile, Rob McGuire of the Waikato District Council said all council wards being included in the area was only confirmed at around 9.30pm on Sunday - just a matter of hours before the alert level boundary came into place. Waerenga is the name of a hamlet, 11 km (6.8 mi) east of Te Kauwhata, which is part of a statistical area unit in the Waikato District.. Waerenga-a-Hika, near Gisborne has a similar name..
2019 Triennial Elections - final results. Finally, the whole district will have a single set of subdivision rules. In the north, Waikato district starts with the southern boundary of Tamaki Ki Te Tonga then from the base of the Firth of Thames drops down Tokoroa. Waikato District, based on land at Horotiu and along the State Highway/NIMT Railway Corridor, between Horotiu and Te Rapa. South Waikato District Council 9 This tool is used to select one or multiple objects that share a boundary with one object. The Waikato District Council District Plan is has been produced under the Resource Management Act 1991, and has been distributed to allow better public access to the data underlying the Plan.
Waikato, Waikato District Health Board Map, DHB Maps, DHB Map, District Health Boards, District Areas, Areas, My DHB, Ministry of Health, Government, NZ, New Zealand Created Date 6/3/2004 8:17:49 PM This dataset was first added to WDC Data Service on 21 Jul 2017. The Waikato District Council District Plan is has been produced under the Resource Management Act 1991, and has been distributed to allow better public access to the data underlying the Plan. 11. It also defines how and where the district grows and how its natural and physical resources are managed. Several settings classified as being “higher-risk” have been defined by government.
“Waikato District Council worked closely with Hamilton City around the boundary adjustments. The District Plan . The boundaries were defined by Coalcorp and the Department of Survey and Land Information and at the time had identified an area of limited risk and an area of higher risk. any mast or pole less than 7 metres high. Local government basics. All Waikato cases are linked to known cases. Waikato Regional Committee: All townships within the Hauraki and Thames-Coromandel District Council boundaries. The area of high risk was derived from the Crown’s Huntly East Land Subsidence Policy 1993–94.
Waikato District Waikato District Waipa District ... Boundary Change (Waipa District Council) - 10 July 2014 18 October 2017 Operative District Plan. Waikato District Council delighted to welcome the community back to offices and libraries from Thursday 11 November and announce no more overdue library fees.
The District Plan is the primary document that manages land use and development within the territorial boundaries through objectives, policies, and rules set out to address resource management issues. .
Improvements …. You'll also find details on the processes involved and how Council staff can help you with them. Growing Places newsletter.
Waikato District Council wants to pull the northern townships of Tuakau, Pokeno and Mercer under its wing, as …
Tamaki ki te Tonga, Hauraki, Waikato, Maniapoto and Tauranga District Māori Councils all grew from out of the Waikato-Maniapoto Māori Land Court District. This coincides with the closure of access to SH1 from Annebrook Rd. 40m measured from the actual carriageway edge of the Waikato Expressway if: 1.
You can view many layers of Waitomo District Council’s data and information. The Waikato District Council District Plan is has been produced under the Resource Management Act 1991, and has been distributed to allow better public access to the data underlying the Plan. Buffer Around Waikato District Council The Alert Level boundary map is now live with an easy address search to find your exact Alert Level. All reasonable efforts are made to ensure the currency and accuracy of the information contained in this viewer. The restricted fire season will cover all of the Waikato, Waipa, Otorohanga, Matamata-Piako, Hauraki, Waitomo, and South Waikato District Council boundaries. 11.30am: New testing station set up at Lake Karāpiro today. Residents, businesses, land owners and young people across the Waikato are being urged to have their say on an updated 30-year growth management strategy. We are proficient with District Plans for Hamilton City Council, Matamata-Piako District Council, Waikato District Council and Waipa District Council. Most of the Waikato District will be going to Level 3 from 11.59pm for at least five days following two Covid-19 cases announced in Hamilton and Raglan today. pdf , 126 KB Download. The Waikato District Council (the Council) last undertook a full review of its representation arrangements prior to the 2007 local authority elections. This means you may need to apply for a fire permit it you want to light an outdoor fire.
If the Waipa District Plan is viewed via Maps Online or accessed via the District Plan Snapshot the parcel boundaries are updated monthly, and therefore more current. Waikato's long-term growth plan looks beyond territorial boundaries 5 Oct, 2021 06:09 PM 5 minutes to read The Jacks Landing development … The Waikato District Council District Plan is has been produced under the Resource Management Act 1991, and has been distributed to allow better public access to the data underlying the Plan. You may be required to pay a development contribution to the council when developing or requiring new services for a property. A new footpath with new gates and a new water tap.
Local Government in NZ > Council maps and websites. challenges to both HCC and Waikato District Council (WDC). This application will assist you in building a fence which shares a boundary with one of our parks or reserves. dams - please contact Waikato Regional Council, who have jurisdiction for all dam building consents. However, this will be under the relevant Alert Level 2 protocols. Waikato District Council elected not to renew the $300,000 contract from 30 September 2018, but at Thursday’s meeting offered a reduced amount ($250,000) to re-establish the service. Finally, the whole district will have a single set of subdivision rules. New subdivision rules for Waikato. Waikato District Council last month advertised their proposed District Plan. The Plan, integrating the Franklin and Waikato sections, will introduce a consistent approach to development and growth for the first time since the district’s boundary changed in 2010. The sites contain populations of sparse species, such as longfin eel, hochstetter’s frog and moko skink. Official information: Waikato District Council is a local authority and subject to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) and therefore any information it holds is official information which includes the Data you enter, contribute or upload to 'Shape Waikato'. RD2 Rural Industry (a) Council’s discretion is restricted to the following matters: (i) effects on rural character and amenity, (ii) location, type and scale of development;
This is defined in the RMA and identified by Waikato Regional Council. 11.30am: New testing station set up at Lake Karāpiro today. However, if a fence is The New Zealand Māori Council is one of 40 claimants from across Aotearoa at the special Waitangi Tribunal hearing this week. 21 Jul 2017. Survey & Title - Waikato District Property Ownership & Boundaries | LINZ Data Service - geospatial and related data from Land Information New Zealand. Midday: A person who visited Waikato Hospital emergency department on Friday night (1 October) has now tested positive for Covid-19.
Online Maps. Waikato District Council last month advertised their proposed District Plan. Click on the object to select it The features that share a common boundary will also be selected.
More. More. Waikato Regional Committee: All townships within the Hauraki and Thames-Coromandel District Council boundaries. The District Plan governs the way Waipa looks and feels and sets the rules for future development. Here you will find interactive maps showing a variety of themed data sets, such as Utilities (water, stormwater and sewer), Property, District Plan, Cemeteries and others. HCC is committed to working collaboratively with WDC to resolve these issues in an integrated manner, reflecting the fact that our mutual boundaries will be the subject of ongoing change in response to population growth over time. All suburbs and townships within the Hamilton … Imagery sourced from Terralink International Limited. Waikato District Council – Public Excluded 1 Agenda: 13 December 2021 ... restriction boundary between the Waikato and Auckland will remain in place until at least 15 December 2021. ... Waikato District Council Private Bag 544 Ngaruawahia 3742 New Zealand. This dataset has no description. Two cases are outside the Hamilton and Waikato District Council boundaries; in Kawhia and Karāpiro. A district in New Zealand is a territorial authority area governed by a district council as a second-tier of local government in New Zealand, below regional councils.They were formed as a result of local government reforms in 1989.There are 53 districts in New Zealand, and they do not include the 12 city councils, Auckland Council, or Chatham Islands Council. The Waipa District Plan maps in PDF format and the paper version, show parcel boundaries as at the date displayed in the map title area.
Hamilton's urban boundary, south-west of the suburb of Dinsdale. Waikato District Council last month advertised their proposed District Plan. Now all of the Waikato district can be seen via one public map viewer.