2016 ASPHALT BINDER AND MIX SPECIFICATION UPDATE REFERENCE GUIDE < 1 M 1-10 M >10 M ASPHALT MIXTURE PG BINDER MIX . I am interested in information from anyone who has experience with PG 52-40 We are specifically interested in information concerning workability and the use of WMA. If a higher type PG asphalt binder is warranted, it shall be used in the surface mixture and the first lift of the underlying mixture. of AASHTO R 26 (Standard Practice for Certifying Suppliers of Performance Graded Asphalt Binders). b. One consequence of this Project was a performance-based binder specification . Superpave performance grading (PG) is based on the idea that an HMA asphalt binder's properties should be related to the conditions under which it is used.
9.14 As a materials engineer working for a highway department, what standard PG asphalt binder grade would you specify for each of the conditions shown in Table P9.14 (show all calculations and fill in the table)? The lower the number, the more resistant to thermal cracking. Do other States use PG . Phase I—Base Binder Grade Select the beginning binder based on the location (climate) and confidence levels (the chance that The following table should be used as a guide in selecting the appropriate asphalt mix. Example: For a one course overlay in the Superior Region on a composite project, the recommended PG binder would be a PG58-28 instead of a PG58-34. PG GRADE (M332) Test Temp, . PG 58-28, PG 64-22, PG 70-22, PG 76-22, etc Though asphalt specifications have been upgraded through time, any of the are previous grading systems are subject to use. 341, and 344) require selection of a performance graded (PG) binder. Provide the PG binder according to the requirements of the standard specifications, except where modified herein.
Conditioning .
specifications adopted in the mid to late 1990's •First spec built to directly address pavement distress types •All R&D conducted on SHRP asphalts - a library of neat During 2006, Industry and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will sort out the proper PG grading for their polymer modified asphalt binders. Note: previous standards include penetration grading system and viscosity grading system Modified Asphalt binder
During a typical refining process, the asphalt binder created or generated is most commonly PG 64S -22 - with PG referring to performance grade, S referring to standard, 64 referring to the upper temperature Asphalt Binder Grade Designation The PG Binder Grade letters should be used in all bituminous mixture designations, regardless of the specification number. Superpave Asphalt Binder Specification The grading system is based on climate PG 58 - 28 Performance Grade Average 7-day max pavement temperature Min pavement temperature. Civil Engineering questions and answers. Penetration grading quantifies the following asphalt concrete characteristics: Penetration depth of a 100 g needle 25 ° C (77 ° F) Flash point temperature. The test of Direct Tension, AASHTO M332 Table 1, is omitted.
from its normal/original/neat state. The average 7 day maximum pavement temperature typically ranged from 46 to 82°C, and minimum pavement temperature typically ranged from −46°C to −10°C.
PG Binders and Grade Bumping for Rut Resistance Rutting Fatigue Cracking Higher Performing PG 64-22 PG 70-22 PG 76-22 64-16 28-22 70 25-28 76 22. The most advanced asphalt binder grading system is Performance Graded (PG) System, which is resulted from the $50 million Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) and has been adopted throughout the U.S. AE-150 Emulsion. PG binder shall also conform to the Department PG+ specifications (Table 1029.01) when classified as a modified binder. The mixes can be modified by refining the asphalt. Developed from Air Temperatures Superpave Weather Database . During 2006, Caltrans will sort out the proper PG grading for polymer modified asphalt binders. Due to the inadequacy of penetration and viscosity based grading systems, the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) in the US conducted a Project between 1987 and 1993 in order to overcome the shortcomings of empirical systems. NMDOT "Standard" Base Mix As the name implies, the base mix is the base asphalt layer for the pavement structure. This emulsion is used in cold plant mix, mixed in place and less frequently chip sealing. PG 64-22 PG 64-16 Asphalt Binder Grades D/FW, Texas Pavement Temperature, °C 98% min 50% min 98% and 50% min. Selecting PG Binder Grades for Airfield Pavements. PG binder shall also conform to the Department PG+ specifications (Table 1029.01) when classified as a modified binder. PG 64-28: the .
• BINDER = PG 58-34 E HIGH PERFORMANCE HMA THIN LIFT BID ITEMS the Iowa DOT will be changing the nomenclature and recommended asphalt binder grades for Iowa's roadways. California specifies PG grades for unmodified binder. - 98% reliability binder grade is PG 58-28
These provisions subsequently apply to the Contractor, after delivery of the PG binder to the Contractor, for use in hot mix asphalt (HMA) on CDOT projects.
The PG grading system is based on the idea that asphalt binder properties should be related to the conditions under which it is used.
The asphalt binder shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 320, Table 1 "Standard Specification for Performance Graded Asphalt Binder" for the grade shown on the plans and the following. Anchor: #i1013823 Section 5: Performance Graded Binders (PG Binders) Anchor: #i1013829 5.1 General. An example of a PG binder grade is PG64-22. The higher the Grade, the stiffer the binder. Prior to mixing, the base PG grade was a PG 5828.
For both high and low temperature grade, PG grades are graded in 6°C increment. MSCR Asphalt Binder Specification . Asphalt Binder ETG: Intermediate Temperature Parameter Task Force .
AC-7 is an asphalt blended to meet 700P viscosity and 100-160 dmm penetration. Prior to mixing, the base PG grade was a PG 5828. PG 58.
The anti-aging additives, C1 and C2, were added to asphalt binders, A and B, respectively.
Performance Grade (PG) Bitumen. AE-150 is an anionic, medium setting, high float emulsion. These letters and PG Grade are listed below: Standard Grades Specialty Grades B = PG 58-28 A = PG 52-34 C = PG 58-34 D = PG 58-40 E = PG 64-28 G = PG 64-40 F = PG 64-34 H = PG 70-28 The Gap Graded Binder grades and Modified Binder grades for rubber-modified asphalts are expected to remain in place. Previous tests and specifications are not applicable to modified asphalt binders which are gaining popularity. The expected grades for PG Modified are PG 58-34M, PG 64-28M, and PG 76-22M. Baton Rouge, LA . Mick Syslo, P.E.
Superpave Performance Graded Binder Tests 3 PG Specifications • Based on rheological testing - Rheology: study of flow and deformation • Asphalt cement is a viscoelastic material • Behavior depends on: -Temperature - Time of loading
1. PG asphalt binders are selected to suit the expected climatic conditions as well as volume adjustments and traffic speed. When ordering under this specification, include in the purchase order the performance grade (PG) of asphalt binder required and the table used (e.g., (1) M 320, PG 52-16, Table 1, or (2) M 320, PG 64-34, Table 2) . The project specific PG asphalt binder(s) are listed in the HMA Application Estimate Table found on the plans. PG Asphalt Binder Selection There are generally six different grades of Performance Graded (PG) asphalt binders used in Colorado.
tank of PG binder that the Primary Source intends to certify as a lot for Department work. Emulsion, Anionic.
16 September 2014 . The main purpose of classifying and .
. 2016 AASHTO - Subcommittee On Materials.
The main goal of grading asphalt binder using the PG system and selecting it is to make sure that the binder has the appropriate properties needed for the environmental situation it's going to be used in. For Mix 8 with high recycled binder content from a RAP and RAS combination, the recovered binder . Table P9.14 Seven-Day Maximum Minimum Pavement Pavement Temperature, °C Temperature, °C . Item 342, "Permeable Friction Course (PFC)," and Item 346, "Stone-Matrix Asphalt (SMA)," require the use of either PG 76 or Asphalt Rubber. SHRP's research efforts produced a performance-based asphalt binder grading system referred to as "superpave PG-grading system' " The PG- grading system uses a distinct process to predict the performance characteristics of both neat and modified asphalt binders.
For tack coats use either 64-10 or 64-16.
5. PG asphalt grade selection is then made on the climate region. the PG binder may be decreased by one grade to help reduce costs. PG Grade PG 46-34 PG 46-28 PG 52-28 PG 58-28 PG 58-22 PG 64-22 TT, RC TTAOS-Bartlett B T - Tanker Truck RC - Rail Car B - Barge T echnica l Dynami Datasheet TDS/US/04-10 BP Performance Grade PG Asphalt Binders Unmodified . The common grades used in California are PG 58-22, PG 64-10, PG 64-16, PG 64-28, and PG 70-10. Thin film oven test (accounts for the effects of short-term aging that occurs during mixing with hot aggregate) Retained .
In addition, this compilation of information should not infer an Asphalt Institute endorsement for any of the specifications or requirements listed.
The results for Mix 7 with- high recycled binder content (RAP only) shows that the binder classifies as a PG 70-22.
and durable asphalt pavements. 1.
Recommended Asphalt Binder Temperatures Binder Grade Asphalt Tank Temperature (°F) HMA Plant Mixing Temperature (°F) Range Range Midpoint PG 52-28 260 - 295 240 - 300 270 PG 52-34 260 - 295 240 - 300 270 PG 52-40 260 - 295 240 - 300 270 PG 52-46 260 - 295 240 - 300 270 PG 58-22 280 - 305 260 - 310 285 . 10. For asphalt binders, this involves expected climatic conditions as well as aging considerations. 3. Ductility at 25°C (77°F) Solubility in trichloroethylene.
Traffic speed Amount of traffic -measured in ESALs PG grade Asphalt content of . PG 58E -34 PG 64/70 -34 Binder Grade Comparisons Algorithms for high and low temperature are the same as LTPPBind 3.0/3.1 release.
temperature in which the binder should resist cracking.
For asphalt concrete dikes use PG 70-10. LTPPBind Online allows use of MERRA climatic data, LTPP climatic data, or user data for . Performance graded (PG) asphalt binders are specified by the Superpave (Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements) System. Asphalt Binder Sample. Traffic loads and performance grading (PG), are used to determine the proper asphalt binder that is used in highway paving applications.
types into grades identifies the specific properties of these materials.
The process includes: a) Safety, SuperPave™. This article describes a recently developed system for ensuring that the appropriate PG binder grade is used in airfield pavement applications.
General Description of Performance Grade (PG) Bitumen. In addition to the four grades in Figure 1, the PG system also permits the use of PG 70-10 and four PBA polymer modified asphalts as an option for designated routes and special situations . Selecting the right asphalt binder is only one part of producing long lasting roads The main purpose of grading and selecting asphalt binder using the PG system is to make certain that the binder has the appropriate properties for environmental conditions in the field. Historical temperature data such as this tends to be normally distributed, which means a histogram of
AASHTO M 320 The AASHTO M 320 PG binder grades are specified for climatic conditions ranging from high temperature grades of PG 46 to PG 82 and low Therefore, the PG system uses a common battery of tests (as the older penetration and . If you have any corrections or comments please fill out out form for corrections or comments. Performance Graded Asphalt Binders - PG 46-28, PG 46-34, PG 52-28, PG 58-22, PG 58-28, PG 64-22, PG 64H-22, PG 64S-22, PG 64-28, PG 67-22, PG 70-10, PG 70-22; Warm Mix Asphalt . Liquid asphalts, either cutbacks or emulsions, are simply modifications of asphalt cements to permit use under conditions not suitable for the basic cement. T his ACC on-demand webinar will provide an overview of the Performance Grade (PG) asphalt binder specification (ASTM D6373) used by the FAA to select the proper asphalt for use in airfield pavements.
b. Terminology. See Figure 1 for a map of the nine climate regions and the PG asphalt grade specified for each. materials (Mix 1, 4, 5, and 6) showed that the recovered binder was a PG 64-28. manufacturing the PG binder and/or to terminals where binders are mixed. 2.