See all 177 comments Ever since the first game, Mass Effect has always been about shaping the story the way the player wants it. Mass Effect 3 is the climactic finale of Bioware's penultimate sci-fi RPG series. If you let the Council die, the Alliance forces will be superior War Assets in Mass Effect 3, while if you save them, the Alliance will be weakened, but you'll get The Ascension as a War Asset to balance it out. The Citadel Council manages to persuade the Hierarchy to aid them in the war against the Krogan. Thanks to the rebalancing of war assets and those added by DLC, it's now far easier to achieve the necessary Total Military Strength of 7800 to unlock the best ending where Shepard lives; more so if you're playing with an imported character from the first two games, rather than jumping into Mass Effect 3 with a new character from the get-go. Dr. Ann Bryson (War Asset) is a Alliance War Asset in Mass Effect 3. Saving the Destiny Ascension gives you 70 War Assets, plus 65 from the Alliance Fifth Fleet (90-25 due to losses in the battle). - Always opens the dialogs in the last opened save directory. He'll then be available as a Krogan war asset and can further bolster the assets you gained from choosing to save them. Try a single issue or save on a subscription . The Mass Effect trilogy is full of hard decisions, and you as Commander Shepard will have to make some tough, morally challenging calls. spoilers. Bioware's plot database. Basically, the 3100 War Assets requirement is pretty tight. This will involve getting all war assets, inclu. Taking to people, especially people on the Citadel, can unlock new quests. Total = 170 War Assets. Salarian third fleet. With our walkthrough, you can join Shepard and others as they embark on a mission to save the entire galaxy. In assessing my War Assets from the Normandy's war room, I'm already seeing the results of my decisions in past games. War Assets were a really cheap cop out for reactivity and consequences. If it is saved, it'll be making a return in Mass Effect 2 and 3. . In Mass Effect 3, the player is confronted with the full coming of the Reapers.One of their intended weapons is the Rachni, ideally utilized as foot soldiers. In the original Mass Effect 3 release, Galaxy at War linked together multiplayer, the mobile game Mass Effect Infiltrator, and other transmedia offerings. User Info: Snapper455. The biggest ramification for future games is that if you choose to save the council, you'll also preserve the massive Destiny Ascension battleship which will be a useful war asset in Mass Effect 3. To guarantee access to all endings in Mass Effect 3, you must acquire at least 3100 War Assets. Mass Effect 3 is somewhat more consequential. And saving the concilors will take away third part of all human space fleet as a result - fewer war assets. This is regardless of whether or not the player spared the Rachni Queen in Mass Effect.If Shephard allowed the Queen to survive, she'll have been captured by the Reavers.If she was destroyed, then the Reavers create an artificial one to . For example, speaking to Aria T'Loak in Purgatory, which can be . Manual download. Citadel where you save the council. But yeah a full paragon character will only ever miss out on the salarian First Fleet of 150 points. but this is balanced out by a lessening of alliance war assets. A save editor for Mass Effect Trilogy. As with many companions from Mass Effect 2, to keep Grunt alive in Mass Effect 3, players will need to have secured his Loyalty.Grunt's Loyalty mission, Rite of Passage, involves withstanding three waves of difficult enemies in an arena on Tuchanka, culminating in a fight with a Thresher Maw.Completing the ritual allows Grunt to become a member of Clan Urdnot. In Mass Effect 3, you can get a total of 4819 War Assets irrespective of previous game choices in Mass Effect 1 and 2. Mass Effect 3 is all about acquiring War Assets. Mass Effect 3 is all about increasing the strength of the galaxy's military might so that you can take the fight to the Reapers. Below . It doesn't realy big matter - will You save concil or not and whom will You put as a human representative. You also gain Admiral Mikhailovich as an asset at 25. If the . All Mass . Mass Effect save import - how stats, levels, credits and more transfer to ME2. It also supports ME2/3 Legendary (remastered versions of those games included in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.At this moment it it supports Legendary Edtion of first Mass Effect only in limited capacity, allowing you to modify just . That's what this guide is here for. 4) Went all Paragon and . With the save editor I can not get it to work, when I open a save in it and go to the player and the assets all the numbers are 0 and the ID does not show the 173 as you said, when I change to value to 12000 and enter the 173 and reload the save then when I check my war assets on the Normandy it still shows exactly what I had before. To get your EMS as high as possible, you'll want to complete every quest offered, and talk to as many people as possible. Yeah, I've also encountered the issue that if the Rachni Queen is saved the Aralakh Company war asset disappears from the menu entirely. War Asset - Alliance Frigate Normandy SR-2- I don't know if this comes automatically or only because i transferred my ME2 save, but i got 115 assets for it and if u read the note, at the bottom it has updates (which i assume for each of these u get extra assets) for each of the ship upgrades i purchased in ME2. - ME2: Fixed number of missions after crew abducted. It'll also contribute to the war effort in Mass Effect 3. With Mass Effect: The [Next] War, I plan on furtherly separating the Humans - and the War-verse - from the Canon ME Verse, and hopefully the way I . Commander Shepard is the main protagonist of the Mass Effect trilogy. This software is similar to Gibbed's save editors (and forks) but adds a lot of stuff. What is Genophge? Trilogy Save Editor. This was not the behavior in the original ME3, where it remained in the menu and a new entry was added describing the company's ultimate fate against the Rachni and leaving the +25 for Grunt leading Aralakh Company and the +25 if Grunt was loyal. Choosing to save or abandon the Council still grants War Assets of some kind should you import your data to Mass Effect 3. I've replayed Mass Effect 1 & 2 several times and imported into Mass Effect 3 several times in order to answer this. Keep in mind your squad's strengths and weaknesses and look at their abilities to make the best use of them. In Mass Effect 3, you only gain the Alliance Fleet War Asset, but it is worth more EMS points. Mass Effect 3 Consequences: The Alliance fleet will be weaker War Assets, however, you will gain the Ascension as a War Asset as well. Below are all of the available squad mates and their abilities.
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