Shepard will decide who will take the seat. Though Concentrate on Sovereign is not an outright refusal to save the Destiny Ascension, it still results in the Council's death. #3. There are some differences, but mostly cosmetic/story tone. Blaze1992: I think many of them were reluctant to move offworld, especially where they might end up exposing themselves to the Council and other alien . Mass Effect ending - Let the Council die / Concentrate on Sovereign. Saving the Council may mean Spectre status is back in ME2 (though it doesn't matter much anymore), if . Each of the "core" Council Races is represented here: the Asari, the Turians, and the Salarians. Note that both of these options have the same outcome, however Let the Council die gives Renegade points whereas Concentrate on .
Choosing a human . An enormous dreadnought larger than any other ship in any known fleet, Sovereign is crewed with both geth and krogan. Name. At two kilometers long, its spinal-mounted main gun is likely capable of penetrating another dreadnought's kinetic barriers with a single shot. The Mass Effect Legendary Edition comprises the Shepard trilogy and over 40 DLC packs that have been remastered for modern audiences, as well as bringing quality of life improvements to the games. Consequences If you save the Council, they are much warmer towards you in Mass Effect 2. The choice between Anderson and Udina is a big one in Mass Effect 1 because Shepard will need all the help they can get against . Each game offers a range of characters that you can romance depending on the gender of your Commander Shepard, and there are three romance-related achievements/trophies for you to earn. These meters track your choices throughout gameplay. Council. You can either vote for Captain Anderson or Ambassador Udina. Choice: Save the Council or Not .
. Mass Effect 2; Is there any repurcation for saving the council? 291. Male Renegade. The Citadel Council are the ruling body governing the Citadel and by extension all Citadel Space who serve as major antagonists throughout the Mass Effect series. You can either vote for Captain Anderson or Ambassador Udina. 16107. This ending choice only has a little effect in Mass Effect 2. I'm not against them surviving, but the end game is survival of the galaxy. The former gives +1 Point while the latter deducts -1 Point. In Mass Effect 3, you only gain the Alliance Fleet War Asset, but it is worth more EMS points. Joker radios that the Ascension is all clear and when the Citadel's arms open, Hackett orders all remaining ships to focus their fire on Sovereign. But the new Council is highly skeptical of Shepard and remains this way through Mass Effect 2 and 3. However, humans will join the Council following the events of . close. Patreon Effect 1 Legendary Edition - Final Battle: "Concentrate on Sovereign" Choice Dialogue Cutscene No single Council race is strong enough to defy the other two, and all have a vested interest in . Keeping the Alliance ships however means a stronger Alliance military. Kirrahe and Thane This only makes sense if you finished Mass Effect and know a bit about Mass Effect 2. Deciding whether or not the Council should survive is something of a litmus test for Mass Effect 1 players.The Citadel Council is the executive committee that allows Shepard to become a Spectre . "Mass Effect 1" has both a Good and Bad ending, which is essentially based on whether players would choose to save the Council, let them die, or concentrate on Sovereign in the "Race Against Time . Subscribe UKUSCanadaAustraliaPC Gamer Magazine SubscriptionPC Gamer Magazine SubscriptionWhy subscribe Subscribe the world gaming magTry single issue save subscriptionIssues delivered straight your door deviceFrom 7.15View NewsReviewsHardwareIndieBest OfMagazineForumMore PodcastsMeet the teamNewsletter. Sovereign is the flagship of the rogue Spectre Saren Arterius. chevron_right. I did rush this fic to its ending, but I didn't want a simple retelling of the story, as a lot of Mass Effect fics are. Recently added 31 View all 1,497. There are some differences, but mostly cosmetic/story tone. videogame_asset My games. Concentrate on Sovereign. . After your fight with Saren is over (same fight regardless . Mostly played with Ashley and Kaidan, until the latter was sacrificed, at which point Tali was substituted. At two kilometers long, its spinal-mounted main gun is likely capable of penetrating another dreadnought's kinetic barriers with a single shot. The Mass Effect games offer plenty of opportunities for players to shape the world and plot of the series with the decisions they make while playing. Review-answering time! Mass Effect 1 Plot Summary Hey Flood, give me a plot summary of the 1st Mass Effect. If you choose to save the Council during the final battle then the Alliance Fleet will be commanded to focus on protecting the Destiny Ascension, where the . The choice to save the council or concentrate on Sovereign. Mass Effect bad ending: Let the Council die or concentrate on Sovereign. Note that both of these options have the same outcome, however Let the Council die gives Renegade points whereas Concentrate on . If saved, the Destiny Ascension will be a major asset in Mass Effect 3 (with less human contribution). Distant_Rainbow 9 years ago #1. So you get all these Paragon points for saving the council and Sovereign . "The Council is an executive committee composed of representatives from the Asari Republics, the Turian Hierarchy, and the Salarian Union. Mass Effect (2007) All Discussions . User Info: Chelsea-Kiwi. If you saved the original council, they will re-appoint Shepard as a Spectre (if you wish), against Udina's wishes. chevron_left. Mass Effect ending - Save the Council. Motivation for "Save the Council" - Vigil just finished telling Shepard that the Reaper attack succeeded so well . During the final battle against Sovereign in Mass Effect, you will have the option to save the Council or sacrifice them to focus on Sovereign. Feb 4, 2014 @ 10:29am. If Shepard chooses "Concentrate on Sovereign," the Council will die as well, although the player gets . Gender / Alignment. The Council requests assistance against the geth fleet, but there's also Sovereign to deal with, so you have to prioritize: have the human fleet focus their forces on saving the Council, which has .