Deck Profile - Satoshi Kato's Lightsworn Zombies. Search for cards in the search field. In that instance it acts as an MST to pop with Dragon and a hug bait for cards like Bottomless and Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, which Lightsworn really dread. Each year, the United States and Japan each send four Duelists to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Toggle Deck List; Monster: Judgment Dragon x1 Chaos Dragon Levianeer x2 The Chaos Creator x1 Archlord Kristya x1 Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher x1 Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn x2 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner x1 Lumina, Twilightsworn Shaman x1 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast x3 Felis, Lightsworn Archer x1 Chaos Valkyria x2 White Dragon . MMR: Coming Soon - Having Ryko at x3 is also usually better as it handles tough situations better in general. 2 . So far it's been interesting to see peoples reactions during a duel. This page notes details of Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid (LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. 2×Raiden,hand of the lightsworn. Creative Deck Profile: Lightsworn Three Ways. Another great card, but I can think of a better one that fits the theme a little more. The only thing I was a bit unhappy about was that this deck does not include a game mat to formally place the . 2×Gragonith,Lightsworn Dragon.
Blue-Eyes Lightsworn. This deck try to go first every duel as it sets up its board quicker, but can go second. Stats - Last 20 games. The deck combines the sheer force of power seen from the Blue-Eyes decks, and the milling and searching prowess of the Lightsworn archtypes. Decks That Use Wulf, Lightsworn Beast. Twilightsworn as a whole cannot be as its very own deck so do expect other lightsworn in it, it is a 40 card deck but plays punishment dragon instead of judgment dragon and spams the field whenever a lumina appears on the field u can expect this deck to also hand loop your ooponent with gumblar a lot with . Deck Profile: Lightsworn Ruler June 3, 2013 | Filed under: Article, Banish, Deck Building, Deck Profile, Dragons, Engines, Light, Lightsworn, Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy, OTK, Water. April 23. With the speed the deck should be thinning, two just isn't needed. Trading Card Game (TCG).It is the twenty-seventh Deck in the TCG ' s Structure Deck series, following Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck.This Deck is the TCG equivalent of the preconstructed Deck in Duelist Set: Version Lightlord Judgment in the OCG.. ===== Main Deck : 60 ===== . 2x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior. Most Lightsworn, and subsequent hybrids, revolve around the monster: "Judgment Dragon". Can we smash 1000 Likes? 41-card set containing 4 brand new cards and 37 reprints, including 1 new card created specifically for the American market. Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn aims to dump as many cards as possible into the graveyard, and one of the best ways to use that to your advantage is to summon cards like The Chaos Creator.Modern Yu-Gi-Oh is often a game of resources and options - whoever can make the most plays wins - and this deck can generate effects from everywhere, and even recycle cards that would be gone otherwise. The Lightsworns are a series of monsters that are specifically designed to mill your own deck, but they have excellent support in the form of Judgment Dragon. Luna held back on cards like "Charge of the .
By Boxtronic on 3/26/2010. Right-click cards (or tap+hold on mobile) in your list to remove them.
This was during one of the many Lightsworn formats. Realm of Light Structure Deck is a Structure Deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh! His Deck works like any other Lightsworn Deck, but with the added ability to flood the field with "Rekindling" and Summon a bunch of Level 8 Synchro Monsters. The ultimate self mill deck. Tri-brigade combo tutorial Reject humanity, return to bird. 1 Gale 2 Ryko 1 Cyber Dragon 1 Gorz 2 Bottomless 2 Reckless 1 Mirror Force 1 . Levianeer is a good generic boss monster for any LIGHT and DARK deck because of its high attack stat and multi-card removal. There . How To Build a Deck. Quando um monstro "Lightsworn" virado para cima que você controla é selecionado como alvo de um ataque, você pode enviar 2 cartas do topo do seu Deck .
Release: 27th June 2014. Tips. Eh, it's kinda random at one, and there's no reason to run two or three of these, so it gets cut for room. -1 Book of Moon. Lightsworn: lacking the banhammer returned in basic terms will … 2. 2 Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon 3 Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior 3 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin 3 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress 2 Ehren, Lightsworn Monk 1 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner 2 Shire, Lightsworn Spirit 2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter 1 Rinyan, Lightsworn Rogue Spell: 1 Charge of the Light Brigade 1 Dark Hole 1 Foolish Burial 1 Gold Sarcophagus 3 . With easily fulfilled special summoning conditions (having 4 or more "Lightsworn" monsters with different names in your Graveyard), high ATK, and a devastating effect (pay 1000 Life Points to destroy all other cards on the field . Chris Bowling won SHONEN JUMP Championship Austin with the Deck known as Twilight - a powerful Deck combining DARK monsters and Lightsworn. Toggle Deck List; Monster: Judgment Dragon x3 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning x1 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast x3 Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior x1 Diana the Light Spirit x2 Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn x3 Lyla, Twilightsworn Enchantress x1 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress x1 Performage Trick Clown x1 Performage Damage Juggler x1 Heroic . PATRONS: TIER: DARK ARMED DRAGON! This is Dale Bellido's Lightsworn deck that he used during Canadian Nationals and also in the recent videos of him playing ^_^ 25 Monsters: 3 Celestia, Lightsworn Angel 3 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner 3 Honest 3 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast 3 Necro Gardna 2 Judgment Dragon 2 Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior 1 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress 1 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter This Deck is made for Banlist 12/08/2011 My Decklist: Monster (27) Snipe Hunter x2 Phantom of Chaos x3 Dark Creator x3 Darklord Zerato x3 Athena x2 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter Judgment Dragon x2 Jenis, Lightsworn Mender Archlord Kristya x2 Darklord Asmodeus x2 I am very anxious to see how Starlight Road will affect the meta, and what decks can take the top. and effects of cards that puts them in the graveyard only to come back to field or hand to search a certain card on deck. Toggle Deck List; Monster: Judgment Dragon x3 Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon x2 Celestia, Lightsworn Angel x2 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast x2 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin x2 Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn x2 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress x2 Ehren, Lightsworn Monk x2 Felis, Lightsworn Archer x2 Honest x2 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner x2 Minerva, Lightsworn .
Competetiv Chaos Lightsworn Deck November 13, 2021 LS-Knight 1,240 0 Comments Chaos , Dragon , Lightsworn Dieses Deck Baut sehr Starke Felder wenn du mehr sehen willst Besuche mich gerne auf meinen youtube Kanal: Lightsworn Knight "Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner" is a staple in a "Lightsworn" Deck, due to the ability to dump dead cards while summoning a "Lightsworn" monster from the Graveyard, giving you easy Field advantage. Since most of our Lightsworn Decks are played or have been played by both players I've decided to put up one which he does not play. Add cards to your list. 1x Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid. Filed Under: Deck Profile. Then all the sudden I had this deck that was freakin' nuts. Prepare to Fight to Defend the Light!