the levels do not matter, but mine were level seven. Nov 3, 2012. There are tons players online, and a straightforward search will handle any questions there is whilst . Sakura Dragon - Available in the spring time. How do you breed a Gold Olympus Dragon in DragonVale? Olympus; The breeding combos for the Gold Olympus is the same as the Bronze and the Silver Olympus. Possible References. How to breed Ruby Dragon. This Quest Event has a similar structure and layout as The Dungeon and The Curse of Dramses quests. As I said before on the last post you breed this dragon by using: Blazing and Crystal Willow and Quake Posted by Caitlins Monster Pet Shop at 10:10 No comments: Email This BlogThis! By breeding two pure Olympus type dragons together (Olympus only). If you were just talking about a Bronze Dragon then I don't know. Dragonvale from BackFlip Studios is a classic click barrage casual game. As a random . The Diamond Dragon is obtainable: By purchase at the market for 2,000 . So, what the best breeding pair to get the Gold Olympus Dragon? It seems that over-all . Improve this answer.
The Bronze Olympus Dragon was released on July 27, 2012, along with the Silver Olympus Dragon, Gold Olympus Dragon, Olympus Habitat, and the Olympus Flag. Since the core of Dragonvale is breeding dragons, let's focus on that.
Plasma Dragon - Breed a Lightning Dragon . I finally gave up. From: searay330. You'd think that putting green and yellow together would make a green/yellow type dragon but it's totally random. If you know other secrets, hints, glitches or level guides, then please Submit your Stuff and share your insights with other players. Breed dragons with a total of four different attributes. How to breed a Bronze Olympus Dragon. The Bronze Olympus Dragon can only be bred by selecting a Blazing with a Crystal at the Breeding Cave or the Epic Breeding Island. It is reasonable that the goals and rewards will be similar. This is likely a reference to Mount Olympus in Greece. The Gold variety is the largest and rarest form of this type of dragon. A set of Dragonvale Breeding tips that will get you on your way to breeding wild and crazy Dragonvale dragon combos in not time! Follow edited Jan 13 '14 at 10:10. kalina. Even if they can split, minor types only count as one type . If you know other secrets, hints, glitches or level guides, then please Submit your Stuff and share your insights with other . Only the dragons with matching element's order as listed could breed to get that specific dragon. It automatically connects with your account and hacks the game. The Tourmaline Dragon can bebred by using a Crystal Dragon and an ElectrumDragon, in either order, at the Breeding Cave/EpicBreeding Island.. Consequently, how do you breed an Elysium dragon? On August 8, 2012, it was confirmed by . From: Dan . Share your dragon land with your friends and help each other with gifts. How to breed Malachite Dragon . The Sun/Moon dragon can be breed by selecting a Fire with a storm dragon o Storm with Fire Dragon. ; The Silver Olympus Dragon's breeding and incubation times of 35 hours is likely a reference to the 35 sports in the Olympic Games (28 Summer sports and seven Winter sports, although two sports were removed from the Summer Games and have not been replaced). Cerberus dragons love Dragon Fruit just as much as cold . Now it can add even more gems. Double Rainbow (50 points) - Acquire and hatch 2 rainbow . (a blazing dragon us air and fire, and ice is water and cold.) It is reasonable that the goals and rewards will be similar. Cerberus dragons can live in either Omnitats or Olympus habitats. How to figure out how to breedblazing and gold olympus and most dragon these rare dragons how to breed the bronze olympus dragon can be a snowy bronze olympus dragon solstice dragon count is an egg. Breeding hint: Use level 15 or higher dragons Watch out for this nordic dragon, it'll do everything possible to conquer and pillage the habitats of other dragons.
Go to your breeding cave or the epic breeding island. This will most likely take some tries, as it's a pretty rare dragon! This dragon may be controversal, because in the Greek Mythology, Atlas was forced to hold the celestial sphere, and not the planet. Apocalypse dragons have the most powerful roar of any dragon besides the thunder dragon. Leap Year Dragon - Both limited and rare, since it is only available for a few days on a leap year. Subscribe: A SUPER HERO WHEN YOU SUPPORT THE SHOW! Real rainbow dragon; To get a rainbow dragon, breed an ice dragon and a blazing dragon!! your own Pins on Pinterest
1. The Hydra Dragon can be bred using a Current Dragon and a Quake Dragon, in either order, at the Breeding Cave/Epic Breeding Island. Breeding. Please Submit a Problem for any incomplete, non-working or fake code listed above. Plasma Dragon - Breed a Lightning Dragon . This dragon created by Esmond "Zid" Enriquez, so when you get .
You can win the Olympus Habitat, Poseidon Dragon, Hades Dragon, and Atlas Dragon. Coin per minute: Dragon Earning Rates without boosts. Gotta Catch 'Em All: All the different breeds of dragons, including rare dragons and holiday-only dragons. Also from personal experience, I've received a double rainbow dragon from breeding a Salamander dragon and a Scoria dragon. What does the Ouroboros symbol mean? Report Problem. But, there are combos that have lower average fail times while still yielding the same chance of producing . As a Virtual Pet Game iPhone, we hatch dragones, feed them, and watch them grow up. From: Darth Anitrus. Breed an air type with a Firefly Dragon. A farm would be nice for your dragons, as they will be able to receive treats for their good behavior. There is a Bronze Olympus Dragon on sale right now on DragonVale if you were talking about the Bronze Olympus Dragon. abyss dragon incubation time: 7.5 hours buy-it price: 750 gems how to breed: light and ooze / plasma and wraith / lotus and ooze / dark and rust / spark and water acid dragon incubation time: 8 hours buy-it price: 1100 gems how to breed: light and promethium / dark and radiant / promethium and radiant / fungus and ironwood. Breeding. 1. Aquamarine Dragon breeding guide: You can get the Aquamarine Dragon by using a River Dragon and a Iceberg Dragon in your breeding tree. The Gold Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Fire and Metal elements at any Breeding Cave. found 135,00. Saturday, July 28, 2012. If you know other secrets, hints, glitches or .
Real rainbow dragon; To get a rainbow dragon, breed an ice dragon and a blazing dragon!!
From: cyr1696. It automatically connects with your account and hacks the game. Rainbow/Leap Year .
So, what the best breeding pair to get the Gold Olympus Dragon? Some events have a fill-in-the-blank gift, either for unowned rares or unowned epics. This information was taken from the appropriate wiki pages for the Bronze, Silver and Gold versions of the Olympus dragons. air dragon incubation time: 2 hours How to breed Evergreen Dragon. By breeding dragons that collectively possess at least four distinct types (Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple, White, Pink, Black, Olympus, Mythic, Cosmic, Fairytale, Stone, Tropic, Zodiac, Dino, Rainbow, Gemstone, Royal, Champion, Metal, Egypt, Soccer or Diamond). I finally gave up. BECOME A HERO WHEN YOU SUBSCRIBE! The ancient breed of Olympus dragons are fierce competitors in the wild, although when teamwork is called for, no dragon is more focused than an Olympus dragon. There is a Bronze Olympus Dragon on sale right now on DragonVale if you were talking about the Bronze Olympus Dragon. How to breed Gold Olympus Dragon From: searay330. The Gold Olympus Dragon is an epic dragon of the Olympus element. Breeding time can be hastened by spending gems. It is made specifically for representing the March . well just maybe ten minuets ago I tapped market the eggs and then some kind Olympus dragon (bronze sliver and gold) showed up on the screen and for a like two minuet I was . Other Abilities.
Fastest Breeding Pair: Blazing + (Quake OR Crystal) OR Lava + Sonic. Olympus Dragons Gold Olympus Dragon. Can a snake eat itself to death? Firstly, breeding is totally random.
The egg color will be brown, white and ochre with a golden laurel leaf icon. Ok so u go to cooperative breeding get level 7 arctic dragon and the polarian dragon do it between 8:15 to 8:20 pm that's how I got mine. Moon Dragon - Breed a cold type with a lightning . So, what the best breeding pair to get the Gold Olympus Dragon? The . The Rare "Epic" Elements Breeding Guide. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. It is available for players level 5 and above. Your park needs to be at level 10 or higher before trying to breed this dragon. How Playing Dragon Track! The impatient can purchase gems or get them from friends to speed up the process, but it won't be cheap. BREED SCORCH AND CHROME Posted by Winterjune at 7:41 PM 2 comments: Email This BlogThis! www.visiiongaming.comCHECK MY LIVESTREAM me and my girlfriend on game centermy game center - ViSiioNmy girls game center - [ a n n. How to care for. Please Submit a Problem for any incomplete, non-working or fake code listed above. Tap on the Eggs menu to access all of the available eggs for you to grow. As a Virtual Pet Game iPhone, we hatch dragones, feed them, and watch them grow up. Missing requirements cannot be fulfilled by the splitting of minor types; parents must have the originally required types without splitting. Day 18 of this event has a mystery dragon gift, maybe that gift is one of these fill-in gifts. Report Problem. One breeding combination is: Crystal+Air. See more ideas about dragon, beautiful dragon, dragon city.