Born of both fire and cold elements, this is a dragon of interesting qualities indeed! If you know other secrets, hints, glitches or . The chances of getting a Double Rainbow Dragon are 0.5% (1% with the Island). You need to breed a plant type with a moss type. I usually stick with Mac's combos. Posted on: Feb 28, 2013. To speed up the breeding process, tap on the Breeding Cave or Epic Breeding Island, then tap on "Incubate.". (a blazing dragon us air and fire, and ice is water and cold.) Go to your breeding cave or the epic breeding island. Bare in mind sun has to be bred between 7am-7pm and moon 7pm-7am. 5. The Jet Dragon egg will be produced after 30 hours of breeding. Go to your breeding cave or the epic breeding island. The Conifer Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Cold and Plant elements at any Breeding Cave. The Blue Fire Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Fire and Cold elements at any Breeding Cave. Firefly dragon with a Cold dragon Blue fire dragon with a Crystal dragon Ice dragon with a Quake dragon Cold dragon with a Storm dragon Fire dragon with a Storm dragon Scorch dragon with a Cold dragon Wait 48 hours for breeding. Plant + Fire = Poison DragonBreed a plant-dragon with a fire-dragon. 5. Fire dragons in Parks can be bought with 100 DragonCash, though it can also be bred with a Cold Dragon/Fire Dragon and a Frostfire Dragon/Blue Fire Dragon. 2y. The Blue Moon Dragon is required in the following breeding combos: Moriante Dragon During Suncrest Soirée, the Blue Moon Dragon could be purchased for 1,300. The Conifer Dragon is required in the following breeding combos: Cocoahollow Dragon Coin per minute: Dragon Earning Rates without boosts. For a successful outcome, the elements of cold and lightning need to be present, and as such, there are numerous possible combinations of breeding pairs. Air - Try for Shadow with AIr Trait for Lacuna. The Arctic Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Cold and Earth elements at any Breeding Cave. Answer from: Cool guy. Born the both fire and cold elements, this is a dragon of interesting qualities indeed! You can also get a rainbow dragon while breeding for the double rainbow dragon. The egg is red with snowflakes across it, a nod to the heat and cold that go into making this dragon.
Place the blue dragon in a cold or a fire habitat. To speed up the breeding process, tap on the Breeding Cave or Epic Breeding Island, then tap on "Incubate.". The Blue Moon Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Cold and Lightning elements at any Breeding Cave. Both of my moon dragons came from Sonic + Storm dragons. Wait for your dragon pairing to complete the breeding process. I use DragonBreed app as it's a super easy guide and has a handy breeding guide where you can select . Select two dragons to breed. How do you breed a Sprite Dragon in Dragonvale? The most effective method to breed your first rainbow dragon is Firefly + Seaweed. To speed up the breeding process, tap on the Breeding Cave, then tap on "Incubate.". DragonVale Hybrid Dragon Breeding Guide What are Hybrid Dragons? Lvl 125 - 1 dragon off breathing fire..again. Posted on: Jul 11, 2012. How to Breed: Collect a set of 10 varieties of Flutter Fruit to evolve a Gift Dragon (This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. Unfortunately, you cannot directly breed the two together; it says to try with different hybrids. Be sure to help me out by Liking,Commenting,Rating,and SUBSCRIBING! Here is a video of Dragonvale Sun Dragon breeding guide: BLUE FIRE + CRYSTAL = Sun Dragon You need to have 4 elements, such as a cold dragon (which has water and cold elements) and a poison dragon (which has fire and grass). During The Spectacular Spectacle, the Blue Moon Dragon could be purchased for 1,300. Go to your breeding cave or the epic breeding island. Opposite element dragons require opposite elements to be bred. If you want to get a dragon of the moon, you can read this dragoon moon dragon breeding guide! DragonVale will allow you to upgrade breeding time to nine hours and 36 minutes in exchange for a set . Generally, there are three types of results you can expect from a breeding: Common, Rare, and Epic. Note: Egg Count is five less than the Dragon Count because Kairos, Gaia, Bahamut, Tiamat, and Ts'aishen do not have eggs. Both of my moon dragons came from Sonic + Storm dragons. I was actually able to breed Sun dragon from Blue Fire + Crystal (not using special breeding island). Water - Try for a Mirage with Water Trait for Lacuna. What dragons take 16 hours to breed? DragonVale is a fantasy game available in the app store and Facebook. I show you how to Breed blue fire dragonPlease sub & Like my new Chanel Frostfire Dragon: How to breed: firefly + cold OR firefly + ice Incubation time: 12 Hours . CurrentCurrent - PreviousPrevious The Fire Dragon is the second* primary dragon in the game. I want to make the blue fire dragon, but the game won't let me breed fire and cold. When you select two dragons to breed, the game will calculate what dragon you receive based on certain odds. Trait: at least one dragon must have this element as the active trait. The Pearlescent Dragon can be bred by using a Prism Dragon with the Light trait and a Starwing Dragon with the Dark trait, in either order, at the Rift Breeding Cave. Breed a Smoke Dragon with an Obsidian Dragon. Opposite elements (Earth/Air, Fire/Cold, Plant/Metal, and Lightning/Water) can't be directly bred with each other, so dragons with opposite elements can be more… This dragon can only be bred within the rift. Nov 3, 2012 00. For example, if you were to breed a Fire Rift Dragon with a Plant Rift Dragon and the Rift alignment was Metal, the resulting dragon has a chance to acquire the Fire, Plant, or Metal Traits. Please be as detailed as you can when making an answer. Keep an eye on the market, and if you see it available to purchase then you should be able to breed it. Show activity on this post. Also try for Blue Fire with Air Trait for Zaffer. How to breed a Blue Fire Dragon in DragonVale. You start out with a simple hatchling Plant Dragon, and the wizard (shown on the loading screen of the app, which is the picture above) guides you through the basics of the app with that dragon. This took several tries before it actually worked. Limited Dragons are dragons that aren't available all year long, and usually related to a holiday or some other seasonal event.
". Pure + Pure is the best breeding combination to breed Dragon City legendary dragons. HOW TO BREED: Another galaxy dragon in corporate breeding cave. All the DragonVale details will be post on, which includes to breed rainbow dragon, breed Scorch dragon, breed Fog dragon breed air dragon and the complete breeding guide for all dragons and all the useful tips and cheat for dragonvale. Your park needs to be at level 9 or higher. How to breed: fire + snow OR fire + ice Incubation time: 12 Hours Price: 100 Gems .
flurry dragon: incubation time: 18 hours how to breed: can only be purchased with berries during the frosty jubilee event. DragonVale is an app that allows you to create your own habitats for your dragons, raise dragons and even breed them! How to breed: fire + snow OR fire + ice Incubation time: 12 Hours Price: 100 Gems . Habitats. Coin per . In Dragonvale, ice and fire are the required elements for the blue fire dragon. To get a rainbow dragon, breed an ice dragon and a blazing dragon!! fire+plant in that orderPlant+fire=poisonDetail about breeding poison dragon in dragonvale: check the link. Hey, you must remember breeding will get a random result! Breeding time can be sped up by safety gems. Wait another 12 hours until it hatches. Answer: Below is my favorite site to use. By the ѡay, Dragonvale made tҺe list of The Tоp Ten Apps Ϝor 10 Yеar Olds! DragonVale allows you to upgrade the breeding time from 30 hours to 24 hours in exchange for 24 gems. How to breed harvest moon dragon dragonvale. There is about a 10% success rate. The Jet Dragon egg will be produced after 30 hours of breeding. The one you get is purely chance-based, and Rares and Epics have very low percentages. Download the DragonVale hack tool today. For example, if you were to breed a Fire Rift Dragon with a Plant Rift Dragon and the Rift alignment was Metal, the resulting dragon has a chance to acquire the Fire, Plant, or Metal Traits. The people posting comments are sometimes very helpful posting their combo that they got results with. Boost Calculation Guide to use with the page linked above.
The . Wait for your dragon pairing to complete the breeding process. . How to hatch a Blue Fire Dragon on DragonVale. Blue Fire Dragon. There is nothing you can do to increase these odds. Blazing Dragon INCUBATION TIME: 8 Hours BUY-IT Price: 1,000 GEMS HOW TO BREED: AIR AND FIRE / DODO AND BLUE FIRE Blizzard Dragon INCUBATION TIME: 10 Hours BUY-IT Price: 777 GEMS HOW TO BREED:AIR AND COLD Bloom Dragon Seasonal - Can only be bred around Easter INCUBATION TIME: 13 Hours By hongbing : A how to tutorial about Dragonvale breed Guide, Breed Blue fire Dragon, Download Dragonvale for iPhone, Gaming with step by step guide from hongbing . using any two dragons, in . Answer from: Answerguy Mix crystal dragon with a blue fire dragon. Yolo dragonvale You must try . The Sprite Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Plant, Air and Light elements at any Breeding Cave. The egg color will be gold with a sun icon in the middle. Elements: the two breeding dragons combined must have these elements. Level 11 blazing right. firework dragon: incubation time: 6 hours how to breed: fire and air / dodo and blue fire /chrome and scorch.
Trait: at least one dragon must have this element as the active trait. 2. ð How to Breed EVE DRAGON ft Azalea ð Dragonvale world All the dragons gather around to see hatching of the Eve dragon, their mouths wide â ¦ The Eve Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Cold, Water. The Forge Dragon just requires a breed involving a Fire Dragon and a Metal Dragon, though you might also get a Brass Dragon instead. Your park needs to be at level 10 or higher before trying to breed this dragon. One type of dragon is the Mountain dragon. January 10, 2012 at 2:10 AM When you select two dragons to breed, the game will calculate what dragon you receive based on certain odds. The blue fire dragon is an all-blue dragon to place in your park in DragonVale. Posted on: Jul 11, 2012. Know that the chances are low. Ok what I did was put a level 8 fire dragon on the left and a ice dragon level 7 on the right it worked for me so yeah.., DragonVale Cheats for the iPhone - iPad Sun, 28 Nov 2021 09:37:31 Game Video Walkthroughs
The blue fire dragon is an all-blue dragon to place in her park in DragonVale. Breeding time can be hastened by spending gems. Coin per minute: Dragon Earning Rates without boosts.
go to your breeding cave or the epic reproduction island. but, if you follow this guide the chance of success is . Download the DragonVale Hack Tool today. There are a number of combinations for the Blue Fire Dragon listed on the DragonVale Breeding Sandbox (https: .
Metal - Try for Plasma Dragon with Metal Trait for Zaffer. The Mountain dragon spends most of its time alone. How long does a blue fire dragon take to breed? Maybe you confuse because I wrote BLUE FIRE + CRYSTAL = Sun Dragon meanwhile in the previous guide I wrote if the combination of BLUE FIRE + CRYSTAL = Moon Dragon. Wait for the Cold Dragon and the fire-element dragon to finish breeding. Breeding Time This is a tutorial walk-through video that shows you how to breed the Blue Fire Dragon. The Blue Fire Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Fire and Cold elements at any Breeding Cave. Select two dragons to breed.
panlong dragon: incubation time: 36 hours how to breed:blazing and mud / lava and rain / obsidian and rain / fog . Active 3 years, 9 months ago. ; The Blue Fire Dragon, and the Frostfire Dragon are the best non-limited dragoncash earners of the cold element dragons (the most being the limited Paper Dragon). Bread fire and cold and you should get it. *In the initial release of DragonVale, the Fire Dragon was the third primary dragon; this changed in Update 2.0. You must use hybrids of the opposite elements since primary elements cannot breed directly. Answer from: desi101. Crystal Dragon + Blue Fire Dragon seem to have the best odds of success. 12 Lvl. ". January 10, 2012 at 2:10 AM How do you breed a blue fire dragon in Dragonvale? Blue Fire Dragon. You have to mix a lvl 10 crystal dragon with a level 10 blue fire dragon. Your park needs to be at level 14 or higher before trying to breed this dragon. How to breed a lava dragon : You have to breed a fire dragon with a earth dragon and there you go your very own lava dragon. Breeding. Where to breed a Blue Fire Dragon in Dragonvale?
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