I own the plot. 315 9 3. read to find out. Carlos is somewhere, probably curled up in bed.
She becomes close with Uma's crew, and even closer with a certain pirate. Descendants 3 is a Disney Channel Original Movie, the sequel to the 2017 film, Descendants 2, and the third and final installment of the Descendants trilogy.
From her spot she can see Jay and Evie curled up on the couch nearby.
Dude is Carlos De Vil's dog that appears in the Descendants franchise. Dizzy was a jaunty ball of energy sitting up on her knees in wonder of the bright beautiful world around her. Jay, Evie and Carlos then stepped up closer to Mal's side and linked arms with her, now appearing as a single force to be reckoned with. He can only bring over the three worst of worst, Evie, Mal, and Jay, for his first proclamation. When Chad catches Audrey cheating on him with Mal, there's only one solution - turn to Grindr! This one-shot was written in tribute to Cameron Boyce, the actor who played Carlos in "The Descendants." In this story, Carlos has suddenly passed away.
Carlos Oscar De Vil (better known as Carlos) is one of the main characters in the Disney Channel Original Movies, Descendants, Descendants 2 and Descendants 3. When I finall. Ben is like a brother to her even tho he is mighty fine. He is the mascot of Auradon Prep and he appears during the scene when Ben was training Carlos.
Slightly Dark Carlos. Characters. In Descendants 3, Evie ponders whether Doug is her Romeo. Mal is sitting in a chair next to Ben's bed. Ben is one of the main characters in the Disney Channel Original Movies Descendants, Descendants 2 and Descendants 3.
All characters except Carlos are just mentioned really. Carlos Ben Disney Descendants.
And used to date . Tyler Klause/Kamen Rider Dragon Knight. It turns out that the royal family of Auradon have some long buried secrets and one big scandal. Jay Mal Beast Villains Evie Belle Carlos Uma Descendants Oc Chernabog Disney Descendants. Child's Play By: Whistle Mist. Meet our Descendants litter - 6 1/2 weeks old.
Not pictured is Belle (the momma dog) Memes and Other Fan Content. The daughter of Judge Claude Frollo doesn't have an easy life. There is no reason for this.
You've got Uma's ambition, Jay's charisma, Evie's romantic outlook, and the optimism of Fairy Godmother.
Hedrick (Alternate 'Verse) Melody (Alternate 'Verse) Heidi (Alternate 'Verse) Leone the Liger (Alternate 'Verse) While Mal struggles to be a perfect Lady of the Court, Belladonna hatches a sinister plot that could ruin all of Auradon. He was first introduced in Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel and appeared as the bully target of Jay and Mal. A third school of thought claims that the most powerful magical number is three- there were three fates, three Graeae, three Erinyes, and three squared muses. He loves Mal. He was the son of Cruella De Vil. Granted he did pick fights and was known to occasionally pickpocket a broach or wallet, but he couldn't help it!
+8 more. 6 months have passed since Bella disappeared, leaving the whole kingdom shaky with the truth of her parentage.
Due to their parents history they . All of this is wrong. After investigating Mal and Evie fathers, in this DESCENDANTS 2 video Miss Gossip tries to figure out who Carlos De Vil dad might be!Only on Born2Be Viral! Normally it would be Narm, especially since Juliet and Romeo both end up dead, but considering Evie's mother is the Evil Queen, and Doug's family are the Seven Dwarfs, and they're enemies, it comes across as this instead.
He is portrayed by Mitchell Hope.
Your Descendants 2 DNA is a combination of Uma, Jay, Evie, and Fairy Godmother! Gender: Female. I had to wonder where he got it from, considering his dad was a slinky snake of a person who sat around in his early life trying to steal power from a senile sultan. He was first introduced in Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel and appeared as the bully target of Jay and Mal. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want.
In Descendants 2, Carlos really wants to ask Jane to the Cotillion, but he always chickens out at the last moment. These are recommendations made by Tropers for the Descendants fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. 49.4K 1.3K 19. he was so enchanted by her. Dove Cameron as Mal Cameron Boyce as Carlos de Vil Booboo Stewart as Jay Sofia Carson as Evie Mitchell Hope as Ben Sarah Jeffery as Audrey Dianne Doan as Lonnie Brenna D'Amico as Jane Jedidiah Goodacre as Chad Charming Zachary Gibson as Doug China . This takes place during my little Mal Series and goes along with my YouTube texting story Evie's Struggles. Murciélago is the son of Tziloco, the shapeshifting Crystal Bat that terrorized the sailors of Merwhale Bay for years before joining Ash Delgado's Forces. Rewrite the past Chapter 1, a descendants, 2015 fanfic | FanFiction. Carlos felt a twinge of pain in his heart, he remembered it so clearly: rumors had ran around the Isle like wildfire.
Which Descendants couple's child are you?
During the video . Holding a fool's gold charm in the palm of his hand and smiling at it, a warm feeling entered Carlos' stomach.
46. # 16. the unexpected (marlos love story) by harleen quinzel.
198 5 2. The most magically powerful number is four.
Carlos' p.o.v. The premise is this: When Mal of Auradon and Crystal of Storybrooke mix the wrong spells together, both end up accidentally opening a portal and sending the students of Auradon to Storybrooke. Profession.
Story Book Opening : More of a tablet computer opening, but Mal narrates the introduction explaining the origins of Auradon, how the Isle of the Lost became to be, and how the kids of the most . ; Badass Normal: No special powers, just his athleticism. Ambiguously Bi: While he has a tendency to flirt with girls, Descendants 3 sees him grow closer to Gil, to the point that he dances with him at the end while everyone else is dancing with their love interests. Her husband was a beast when they first met and had been so for several request #descendants fanfiction #evie descendants #carlos descendants Ben whined as they jogged down the halls. Fan Fictions. Descendants 2 Mal VS Uma - Mal wants to be the Perfect Auradon Girl Disney.
Jane is a major character in the Descendants franchise.
She appears as the deuteragonist Descendants, it's prequel novel Isle of The Lost, it's animated spin-off series Descendants: Wicked World, it's midquel Return to The Isle of The Lost and Descendants 2 as well as the latter's prequel novel Rise of The Isle of The Lost. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth heading to Auradon Prep for here.. Socially and physically. Suddenly he felt Dizzy's. Penelope Pan (Descendants OC) StoriesI'm just gonna casually put my fanfictions of my Descendants OC here. by mila. descendants mal evie carlos jay ben disney descendants2 harryhook uma auradon carlosdevil maleficent descendants3 bal disneydescendants gil audrey isleofthelost lonnie 1.2K Stories Sort by: Hot Mal was born with a glittering ebony 76 on her wrist. Follow/Fav. 8 days ago. (Oct 31, 2021) Anonymous said: fic about Belle, Snow White, Aladdin or Jasmine being and the deaged character seeing a side to the VKs that only Ben gets to see. "Bibbity-bobbity," Fairy Godmother exclaimed and quickly knelt down at the sight of a woman dressed in all blue and shining golden hair. He is the son of Belle and Beast from Disney's "Beauty and the Beast". So if this is a trigger then please don't read. Jay. Looking for the perfect prince was more difficult than she . Jay. Her husband was a beast when they first met and had been so for bertha mal descendants mal daughter of maleficent jay descendants jay son of jafar He first appears as one of the two tritagonists of Descendants, its prequel novel Isle of The Lost, its spinoff animated series Descendants: Wicked World, its midquel Return to The Isle of The Lost, as well as Descendants 2.He also appears as a major character in both Descendants 3 and its prequel novel Escape From The Isle of The .
Please help improve this article by editing it. Taught to never stray from goodness, she is fearful of the villain kids and particularly wary of their forbidden magic, but a special spell from Mal changes her outlook. Carlos is left behind and broken when his friends forget about him. Once We are Descendants is a fanfic by Number Ten.It is a crossover between Descendants and Once Upon a Time.. Carlos De Vil is a major character of the fan work, Descendants: Grown Darkly' ', and the son of Cruella De Vil.
I mean, we don't know yet for sure, but since. You're referred to as "my best friend" by a long list of people, and it's not hard to see why.
Ben, the son of Queen Belle and King Adam, offers a chance of redemption for the children of five Disney villains; Carlos, son of Cruella, Jay, son of Jafar, Evie, daughter of Evil Queen, Mal, daughter of Maleficent, and Hava, daughter of the Horned King (who would do .
Chad Charming/Carlos de Vil. 1 / 7. In the same book, he says that while Maleficent can turn into a dragon, he considers his mother Cruella de Vil to actually being one.
The premise behind the contrast between this variation and his canon self is that of him and his friends not being sent to Auradon, therefore not receiving their redeeming character development. But Ben gave Dude to Carlos and the two began to bond throughout the movie. This section is in need of major improvement.
But Lucifer will learn that Carlos is the son of Cruella De Vil, which means more than he thinks. Sarah Brindamour. Literature. Carlos knew down in his heart he meant nothing in to them.
and that Mal and Gil had the same Mom. Short stories of Harry son of Captain Hook and Carlos devil Son of Cruella Devil. fanfic fanfiction oc harry hook uma uma fanfiction harry hook fanfiction ben mal evie evie grimhilde institute / aacr / fight crc. Summary. Carlos will be little, like really little…he's only 4. ENCHANTED ( carlos de vil. )
Carlos Oscar de Vil is the only 14-year old of the 4 original VK's. His crazy mother is Cruella de Vil, but who is his father? With the help of Dude, he manages to ask her and finds out his strong feelings for her are reciprocated.
Descendants 3 is a Disney Channel Original Movie and the sequel to Descendants and Descendants 2. He related to him for his epic dance moves, love of singing, and joy of hanging with his favorite dog.
Adventure Descendants Evie Carlos Jay Isle Of The Lost. Besides that I only remember a few details, like that Gaston had a lot of children whose names all started with the letter „G" (I think one of them was called Gaga?) Meanwhile Jay is trying to figure out who he is as he has a crush on Aladdin's Younger wild sister, Amelia Part 52 of Descendants Fanfiction. 6.
He is portrayed by the late Cameron Boyce. Everything Evie, Jay, and Carlos.
When we were talking Halloween costumes, Descendants 3 had .
sofia. Dude was chasing Carlos until Carlos climbed up a tree since Carlos's mother, Cruella De Vil taught him to be cynophobic his whole life. On the day of Mal and Ben's wedding, a surprise guest crashes the scene.
Nickname: Fuse (Mal, Jay, Evie and Carlos gave her the nickname) Age: 16. ~ Five Months Later ~ Summer had come and gone, and it was a new year at Auradon Prep.
1 comment. ; Big Brother Instinct: Has this for Mal, Evie, and Carlos, often in the background. The water splashed out of the tub as Jay continued to play… whatever it was and he was laughing loudly before diving back under the water and popping back out again shaking his head his hair stick out everywhere. Child's Play Chapter 10, a descendants, 2015 fanfic | FanFiction.
HARLOS HARRY&CARLOS by Sarah Hettinger. Chad appears mainly in scenes where he sneaks into Carlos' room more than once in an attempt to use Carlos' 3D printer. "You know, you are right about one thing though, Chad. Name: Fuchsia.
When Mal recovered her sight, she gasped at who was standing before them.
Mal convinces . You have a meter of the danger your soulmate is in on your skin.
marlos. cameronboyce. (Feb 24, 2021) Anonymous said: fic about Belle, Snow White, Aladdin or Jasmine being and the deaged character seeing a side to the VKs that only Ben gets to see. Name: Fuchsia. There will be mentions of abuse, cutting and bullying. harlos.
Evie has been suffering pretty much her whole life with her horrible childhood, being a teen mom, and now with the fact that her boyfriend turned out to be a monster.
In Return to the Isle of the Lost Carlos knows how to drive. The door to the classroom burst open and Jay and Carlos tumbled in struggling over what appeared to be a donut. Surprisingly, the boy worms his way into his heart. However when a misterious threat puts Carlos's life on the line, the heros and VKS must team up and protect Carlos. "It's so pretty here I can't wait to see Auradon Prep and see Evie and Mal again," she squealed.
Doug (Disney: Descendants) Audrey Rose (Disney) Mal (Disney) Grindr. Carlos De Vil is the tritagonist of the Descendants franchise..
Evil never looked so cute. she's the daughter of elsa, thrown onto the isle as a child from fear of what she could become. It was released on August 2, 2019 . They tell Fairy Godmother at the Cotillion and are seen dancing and laughing as a couple at the end. Gender: Female.
Literature. Fan Fictions.